(437) 428-4531
777 Richmond St. West
Suite 2029
Find Us
We are located at 777 Richmond St West, Suite 2029… that is also the buzzer number. We are located right at the corner of Richmond St. and Niagara St. in Queen West, Toronto. Our main door is on the Richmond St. side, you will see a big steel door and right above it in white numbers you will see 777.
Buzz into the main door: 2029, open the main door and go all the way up the stairs to the top. There is another door at the top. The door at the top is on a time delay so don’t stop on the stairs or the door at the top will lock. Open the door at the top of the stairs and turn left, continue up the hall to the end and turn left - you will see our door with the logo Suite 2029.
Please note this is a dog friendly building, if you are afraid or don’t like dogs please contact us to cancel your appt.